Felice primavera (2016)


Felice primavera (2016) was written for six male voices in light of the celebration of the 450th birth anniversary of a great composer and innovator – Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa. Inspired by Gesualdo’s masterful rule-crossing in his five and six voice counterpoint, this leads to the mixture of sonorities that resembles some of the renaissance textures flavoured with fugal writing and newer modalities. Alike Gesualdo’s own rendition of Torquato Tasso’s poem Felice Primavera in his first book of Madrigals for 5 voices, the poem represents a genuine celebration and happiness of Spring in a pastoral setting – nymphs and shepherds dancing, beatific birds singing and rivers murmuring.

Felice primavera
De bei pensier fiorisce nel mio core
Novo lauro d’Amore
A cui ride la terra e il Ciel d’intorno,
E di bel manto adorno
Di Giacinti e viole il Pò si veste.

Danzan le Ninfe oneste e i Pastorelli
E i susurranti Augelli in fra le fronde
Al mormorar dell’onde e vaghi fiori
Donan le grazie à i pargoletti amori.

Abigail Monroe, alto
Rowan Taymuree, alto
Grant Harper, tenor
Brennan Stokes, tenor
Eric Choate, bass
Matt Boehler, bass

Lukáš Janata, conductor

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